What is Freeze Dried Blueberry Powder? [Product Introduction] Additive-free Blueberry Powder Freeze dried blueberry powder, a prime example of Freeze Dried Fruit Powder derived from Fruit Ingredients, is crafted using advanced vacuum freeze-drying technology. This process meticulously preserves the original color, aroma, and taste of the fresh raw blueberry material, ensuring minimal nutritional damage and retaining the rich nutritional ingredients essential for our human body. Among these nutrients, the natural antioxidants found in Freeze Dried Fruit Powder, particularly from Fruit Ingredients like blueberries, not only assist us in delaying the aging process but also bolster our immune system. Blueberry nutritional value is exceptionally rich, extending beyond conventional sugars, acids, and vitamin C. As a Plant Extract treasure trove, blueberry fruits are abundant in essential nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin B, and a variety of other vitamins that surpass…